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Antennas / Re: EFHW question
« Last post by IZ5ZCO on April 23, 2023, 10:37:02 UTC »
I am considering an EFHW for my qrp rig, installed as a sloper. How does the angle of slope affect the antenna performance?

Irradiation also depends on height and frequency.

See the examples of MMANA-GAL: http://gal-ana.de/basicmm/en/#18
Antennas / EFHW question
« Last post by KK4IXE on April 19, 2023, 13:25:02 UTC »
I am considering an EFHW for my qrp rig, installed as a sloper. How does the angle of slope affect the antenna performance?
Welcome to the Club / Hello from North Carolina
« Last post by KK4IXE on April 18, 2023, 15:40:25 UTC »
kk4ixe, from Western North Carolina starting my journey in QRP
Builder's Corner / Re: What is everyone building? Anything exciting?
« Last post by ON5QRP on March 08, 2023, 21:44:38 UTC »
Hello  all qrper,s
I have finish my 7 mhz transceiver ( a home brew is never finished...)
Receiver is fantastic and TX is QRPP 1 watt for the moment
Have put a video on youtube.
Francky ON5QRP ( Ex - ON5SE )
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello to all
« Last post by GM0LVI on February 04, 2023, 21:39:27 UTC »
Hello to all,
My name is Alexander UT2AB, I am live in Sumy (Ukraine)
Been a ham since 1994 and UB5ASW was my first call.
72 de UT2AB

Hi Alexander, and welcome.
Hope you are keeping safe and well and I look forward to working you.
Transceivers / Yaesu FT-818ND, PART 4 , FOLLOW UP BAD NEWS...
« Last post by ve2th on February 02, 2023, 20:17:24 UTC »
Hello friends,

Bad News This famous little transceiver is now discontinued!!! It is the end of an era.-


Check the video and you can read the text made by Thomas K4SWL/VY2SW.

Some ham radio retailers have a limited number of new Yaesu FT-818NDs incoming
January 24, 2023

In "News"
Confession time: I bought a brand new Yaesu FT-818ND
January 19, 2023

In "Articles"
If Yaesu designed an FT-818 replacement…what would you like to see?
January 4, 2023

72/73 Mike VE2TH

Welcome to the Club / Back
« Last post by F5NFB on January 28, 2023, 10:20:09 UTC »
Hello everyone.
Back after a few years without giving any sign of life.
New start = new station.
RIG: LAB 599 - TX500 with 5 watts (CW Only).
Antenna: EFHW 40-20-15-10 (but which does not give me great results in high bands) or JPC-12 during portable ops.
QTH Valenton near Paris.
Jo - F5NFB
Transceivers / Re: New Transceiver
« Last post by Kw4wa on January 09, 2023, 15:06:57 UTC »
Congratulations on your Xiegu.
Is it as good as the "reviewers" tell it is?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Transceivers / New Transceiver
« Last post by k8hw on January 06, 2023, 17:46:01 UTC »
I am now using a Xiegu X6100 on FT8 with a Chameleon CHA F-LOOP 3.0. Am having fantastic results so far. I really like this rig and antenna! 73 - Dave - K8HW
Welcome to the Club / Re: Hello to all
« Last post by IZ5ZCO on January 03, 2023, 18:43:42 UTC »
Hello to all,
My name is Alexander UT2AB, I am live in Sumy (Ukraine)
Been a ham since 1994 and UB5ASW was my first call.
72 de UT2AB

Welcome aboard.  :)
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