never had much intrest in HF - and worked all over on 2 when living on dartmoor - not so much down here in plymouth - some 1500 ft difference - and blocked to the east by the moors
it is true there has been a drop off in activity on 2 ssb /cw AND to an extent FM
reasons ( imo ) ??
1: letting everyone on hf from the get go of holding a licence - not a good move imo - should have been so long on vhf up then allowed - but whats done is done

2: lack of dedicated equipment for 2 up on ssb - i have just got a 290r- mk2 in VGC - and a 790r mk 1 - just to be able to go out /p - as i dont now drive and use a mobility scooter owing to disability - the 290 is harking back to when i started - new 290s £249.00 in those days ( quite an investment ) - but had loads of fun with that little radio + i like KISS - and you cant GET more KISS than a 290 .lol
3; perception that vhf /uhf is somewhat akin to the black arts - is too difficult - theres no one on there ( well that at least is true down here ) - and i wont even MENTION the D word - or this everything has to be connected to the internet somehow that seems prevelent ................... yep i'm an old luddite and like RF ..........
4: time / effort ........... it is said that " results are proportional to the EFFORT expended " - and sadly these days the " instant gratification " syndrome is prevelent in many hobbies - after all why spend hours listening to static and calling cq when you can turn on HF and work people ?? ( well most times ) - it is a fact that to have an effective vhf station and even MORE so uhf ( up ) station takes time - effort and money - again few tend to do this for terrestrial comms - EME and the like IS getting more qrp with the digital modes - which is great IF you are into digital modes ...............
5: INTERFERENCE : arrgh curse of my life ............... living city center sortof - loads of it all over HF - and a lot on vhf - again computers - solar panels etc etc etc . so hence my wish to get out occasionally and get at least somewhat clear of it all - lucky therefore i live not far from the sea ............. now if the weather would just cooperate .lol CANT WORK EM IF YOU CANT HEAR THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE !!
6 : as we know - small houses /gardens - landlord problems - planning problems etc etc - are the bain of many radio amateurs - ( see also above ) - so getting an effective array up in an uban environment - non starter in many cases - sometimes even a white stick co lin is about all one can manage - so again /p is a way round this
soooooooooo as you will see DOING qrp on 2 /70 cm is fraught with problems from the get go in many cases - and i CAN understand WHY many shy away from it - but it IS ( IMO ) WORTH THE EFFORT and don't forget working someone simplex on 5 w FM is QRP as much as on ssb /cw ............... ah simplex .... remember that , back before repeaters and d-star etc
any hoo just MY opinion AS ALWAYS - EACH TO THEIR OWN but this year i hope to get out a few times and may be hit lucky with the dx