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Author Topic: PD5WL  (Read 998 times)

Offline PD5WL

  • Able Seaman
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  • Posts: 1
  • Country: nl
    • PD5WL - Web QTH
« on: January 09, 2014, 14:36:43 UTC »

Who is the person behind PD5WL, he is a IT and Facility mananger in daily life at an furniture store in Bunnik. He is father of 2 girls (12 and 10) and married. In his spare time he is a waterscouts leader at his local scouts troup, Scouting Jan Campert in Maarssen.

He was born in 1976, the year of the dragon, according to the Chinese astrology. After High School he tried 2 study's without succes and dropped out. Not much later he started working in an Computer shop where his carreer as self made IT man started.

His love for HAM radio started early during the yearly JOTA at scouting thanks to PJ4NX (aka PA3CNX). After doing some illigal things and some 20 years later, PH2LB convinced him to go for his Novice license.

6 november 2013 he went for his exams and passed according to the answers. It took about 16 days before the official answer came from the 'Agentschap Telecom' to proccess the results. And since then it is official. PD5WL is in the air. He hopes to catch you in the ether.

You can also find me only @ http://www.pd5wl.nl/ or https://www.facebook.com/PD5WL.




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« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 14:53:02 UTC »
Hi Wijnand,

congrats for the license and welcome here. Hope 2 see u in the air  ;)


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« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 15:03:46 UTC »
Welkom Wijnand!