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Author Topic: Hello from EA8  (Read 832 times)

Offline EA8BVP

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Hello from EA8
« on: December 28, 2013, 00:46:37 UTC »
Hello QRP fans,

I'm EA8BVP, Bal, from Gran Canaria Island. I'm a ham since year 2000 but I only have had "good" antennas from 2010. With "good" antennas I mean outdoor full size dipole, vertical, doublet, etc.
My main interest have always been HF+QRP+CW with emphasis in operating and homebrewing antennas and radio equipment (TRX, SWR/PWR meter, Antenna tuners,...)

I can see very famous QRP callsigns in this forum so I'd like to learn from others and also share my knowledge.

Antennas: always changing but always made of fishing rods and wire. Presently: Half-Loop 10meter long ala ZL3XDJ and Off Center Feed (7+9m) dipole with 450ohms feeder.
TRX: FT817, TT Argonaut 509, FT-7, ATS-3 (by KD1JV)


72 de EA8BVP, Bal.
72 de EA8BVP, Bal