Hi Vic,
CW isn´t the "gold standard" but it´s a mode where you can work all DXCC´s ..... After my comeback i started with PSK modes. For QRP´ers a good start, but if you see the Logs the white fields (DXCC) are big. No DXpedition use PSK or other Digitals (eccept RTTY) and that´s the reason that i´m back to the roots.
Will back to the digitals if i´m deaf and not blind. If blind and not deaf i will stay on CW. If bind and deaf ... i don´t know

I accept my correction, Juergen: I expressed myself badly. For me, in the moment, it's like this:-
Digi is a little too impersonal, ssb is OK because at least the human touch is there but CW can be very exciting. There, maybe I said it better this time.

Why I get excited in communicating by knocking two pieces of metal together I don't know. Maybe because there is an element of skill, an element of uncertainty too. Exercising a skill is pleasurable: CW tickles my neurons so maybe it is a little addictive. Am I an adrenaline junkie?
Reading fast morse is no problem for me. 30, 40, 50 words per minute does not worry me one little bit. I know I can't read morse at those speeds so I don't worry about them -no problem!!

Once I could 'hear' morse as whole words but not so much now I'm older, slower and kinda deaf so I go at my own speed.
Years of striking a makiwara board gave me hands which are not so dexterous; fine control is a challenge so my straight key work is definitely QLF but I still love morse despite everything.
DXCC? I don''t worry about it. Maybe a new country every month or so would be nice but for me not terribly important. Meeting new people, that's important for me. Still, I've had my rest now while writing this so now I will get back to rewiring my shack so it doesn't look so much like a rat's nest of wires!!
