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Author Topic: PY1WW  (Read 943 times)

Offline py1ww

  • Able Seaman
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  • Posts: 1
  • Country: br
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:37:37 UTC »
Hello my name is William and my call sign is PY1WW I'm Ham Radio Class A since 2006 . My passion for radio began after my grandfather presented me with a small transmitter that covered the citizens band ( 11 meters ) was a model with a few more years of use very special because it was the radio that he also started in amateur radio one CCE Model CB - 6000 manufactured in Brazil and I was only 13 when it received ( " RF injection into the veins " ) from this day forth I never stopped and I was always encouraged to mount my antennas ... My grandfather entered the amateur radio communication by sheer necessity , because in his time in mid-1944 did not had a good supply of phone here in Brazil , much less imagined what it would be internet and computer ... All communications journeyed telegraph or letters . Me would be a little different because when I received this gift already had landline and were already starting the popularization of mobile phones here in Brazil .. Before long, I had a computer and a broadband internet at home .. I'm on the radio amateur radio for like and not need to communicate with my grandfather happened to ... I like making my antennas more I lack a parser antennas who have one to give me my address on QRZ.com this lol ! I'm always active on HF my preferred mode is CW ( telegraphy ) more 'm starting to crawl in digital modes .. I hope you find the magical airwaves ... Haa I almost forgot has more things about myself and about my parents there on QRZ whenever there is something different I update there .. Big 73 's everyone PY1WW and we talk telegraphy TUEE