As a former skilled radio-officer, 1970-1972, I gained my Novice license in april 2008. Since then I am pretty busy on HF. Addicted to CW you can always find me on the 20m or 10m band. As Novice I am restricted to a maximum of 25W PEP so the step to QRP was quickly made. My rig consist of an Elecraft K1, Kenwood TS120V and a MFJ-9420. Due to restricted antenna facilities I use from my balcony (1st floor) an EndFedZ monoband antenna for 20m from Par Electronics and a monoband dipole for 10m band.
For details I invite you to look over my biography on QRZ.COM where you can find my QRP qso list. Hope to meet you on HF.
73 Nico PD9W