ham operator over 30+ years, from Ex Yugoslavia, then from Croatia, then from Bosnia, then from Serbia and now from Montenegro
("refugee" because of civil war....). Equipment: very old TS120V, repaired, only CW, about 2W/10m, 3.5W/15m, 5-6W/20m, 5W/40m...keyer is homemade AkkuKeyer, ATU is homemade Transmatch in Tee configuration, 3x inverted V+ bazooka for 10m (very bad for me, so I work via Inv V for 40m), location is very good, I'm on the mountain/hill about 650 m/asl...2 children...as a kid I had a SWL callsign, later YT6SM, and finally new 4O4SM...hope to CU all on bands...hoping these days before WRTC to put a Fuchs antenna, if my wife's mother (hers house and property) give me approval, Hi HI, because this one will be abt. 42 metters, hehehehe....