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Author Topic: Hello from K8PC  (Read 1319 times)

Offline k8pc

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Hello from K8PC
« on: February 19, 2015, 23:54:43 UTC »
Hello, I am just getting into the QRP scene.  I bought a Youkits HB-1B at Christmas to see if I would like using QRP.  Well now I am thinking of buying a K3.  I have been licensed for 40 years and just recently moved to Manassas, VA.  I drastically downsized my station when I moved last May.  I use to have a 70 ft tower with 2 el on 40 at the top and a TH7 below.  I also had a kilowatt amp etc.  Now I have a Hexbeam at 40 ft and just my ICOM Pro3.  Found out being a ham was more fun when you couldn't just bully your way thru a pileup with a kilowatt.  That led to the QRP rig.  I also have a IC735 that is modified for QRP, but do not have it on the air yet.  Just lazy I think.


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Re: Hello from K8PC
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2015, 07:47:39 UTC »
Hi Pat,

I think you are following the right path  :)
I also used to have big gears and antennas but found out that making a QRP contact is more fun. In the seventies I owned a heathkit HW8 and now it is one of my favourite rigs again. You will soon find out that making 2-way QRP contacts is the most rewarding. I also enjoy running a contest with QRP power.


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Re: Hello from K8PC
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2015, 10:37:08 UTC »
Hi Pat,

welcome abboard. I also have a QRP modified IC-735 at work. Great gear for QRP work with it´s Notch filter, Passband tuning, NB and a 240 Hz CW filter. I use it together with an ZM-4 antenna tuner by QRP Shop, Berlin, Germany and some different wire antennas in my attic.

Hope to see you on air with IC-735/IC-735 and QRP/QRP   :)) :))