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Author Topic: CQWW CW 28&29 November  (Read 3637 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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CQWW CW 28&29 November
« on: November 22, 2015, 20:33:32 UTC »
Any other members intending to make an entry in CQWW?
I've made a single band QRP 'Classic' - 15m entry in 2014 and 2013 and will try again this year. I don't think my overall score will improve due to the declining propagation but I might with a bit of luck, and less typographical mistakes than last year, improve on my ranking.
I'll be using N1MM for logging for the first time instead of SD so have a bit of a learning curve, but have at least managed to get N1MM interfaced with the KX3 and WinKeyer and I've just added the PX3 Panadaptor which may perhaps help me spot activity since I'll not as a 'Classic' entry be able to use the internet for spots.
For anyone who hasn't ever tried CQWW, it's a great contest for increasing your QRP country tally, even if you don't make a serious entry - all you need to send is 599 and your CQWW Zone number.


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Re: CQWW CW 28&29 November
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 11:27:10 UTC »
I am also active in this contest this year. Don´t know in a single band QRP category or in the all bands QRP category ...

2013 have had a 14th place in DL in the QRP all bands and
2014 have had a 1st place in the single band 10 m QRP category

Let´s see what´s going on this year  ;D ;D

Offline G0DJA

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Re: CQWW CW 28&29 November
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 13:18:48 UTC »
I doubt if I will take part.  I'm not a contest person and rarely manage to make more than a few contacts anyway.

Seriously considering putting something up for 30/17/12M though.

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: CQWW CW 28&29 November
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 19:04:09 UTC »

Seriously considering putting something up for 30/17/12M though.
Go for it Dave. 30/17 and 12 are a great combination of HF bands and apart from anything else are free from contest QRM. It would be easy to home-brew a vertical 1/4 wave to cover all three bands.

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: CQWW CW 28&29 November
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2015, 22:56:31 UTC »
I am also active in this contest this year. Don´t know in a single band QRP category or in the all bands QRP category ...

2013 have had a 14th place in DL in the QRP all bands and
2014 have had a 1st place in the single band 10 m QRP category

Let´s see what´s going on this year  ;D ;D

Was interesting, and as I expected due to the decline in solar activity it was not as busy on 15m as was last year and also in 2013, and my own final score is about 30% down on last year. Signals from the NW DX quadrant were few - no JA at all, though I did manage a VK6 and a HS0. Heard a 9M but couldn't get through with 5 Watts amidst all the QRO! South America was quite good for me with a total of 9 in zones 11 and 13 and in the afternoons and early evenings I managed 95 contacts into NA and 12 contacts into the Caribbean. I made few contacts into Scandinavia and none at all with LA. However I noted that after I'd QRTd for the evening on Saturday and had a look on the DX Cluster I could see several OH (as far as I could tell the only EU/Scandinavia) stations working into NA on what was here a dead band - I could hear just one OH but must have been very QRO and on back scatter I think.
N1MM logger worked well for me thoughI probably d


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Re: CQWW CW 28&29 November
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2015, 04:07:06 UTC »
It´s done  ;D ;D

This year i´ve used 15 m as SO 15m QRP non assisted and reached a score of 35560 points. 186 QSO to 22 zones and 48 DXCC entities. Most of them are DX and not to much Europe. From my side it was good to NA, Caribbean and also worked a few stations from the east. 1 VK6, 1 VU, some BY and a HS0 ....

My log is uploaded to my qrz.com logbook .....

Worked here with 5 watts and a 2 x 13,5 meter doublet. Feeded with a homemade ladderline in about 12 meters above the ground and mounted as inverted vee ...

B.t.w. my 240 Hz cw filter was very helpful  ;D

Now we have to wait for the results and the 2016 CQWW DX and the CQWW WPX  ;D ;D

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: CQWW CW 28&29 November
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2015, 09:08:03 UTC »
That's a great score Juergen and well ahead of mine. My final score was 34204 from 229 QSOs, just 18 zones and 50 DXCC entities. Last year I had 21 zones and 66 countries. I had hoped to improve my ranking from #7 in EU but I don't think it will happen!
Now just have to wait until about April to see how many points I dropped and my final adjudicated score.