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Author Topic: Greetings from Canada!  (Read 1652 times)

Offline va3dm

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Greetings from Canada!
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:25:46 UTC »
Greetings from Doug VA3DM. I live in the Toronto area and have been a radio amateur for about 44 years. I have always loved QRP operation, HF antennas and CW operation (because of the efficiency of that mode). I prefer to operate on the lowbands (40M and 80M) because it is more challenging to work DX on these bands. At present, my DXCC entities worked are 154 on 40M and 119 on 80M. My current rig is a Ten Tec Argonaut V (Model 516) and before that I used a Ten Tec Argonaut 515. My best DX contacts with the Argonaut V are South Africa on 80M and Antarctica, E Kiribati, Cook Islands, Mauritius and Saudi Arabia on 40M. All of these contacts were made with no more than 12 watts of output but I have a very good vertical antenna with 80 radials! For more info about me and my station, I am listed on qrz.com. Vy 73 es gud (low power) DX!!