nice to see a lot of old and new friends here. Hopefully new QRP forum become a large interesting group soon. Since 1988 I'm on QRP only, 98% CW but sometime play Digital modes, mostly PSK. I love the simpliest radios very much, means included just a few components, one or two transistors. My radios... never have permanent radio, I swap it like gloves (or socks, hi). My current toys are QRPp 4 bands xtals trcvr "Micro-80/4" (80 mW) and PSK-20 by K1SWL (2 watts). Antennas are GP 20 m and "Up'n'Outer" for 40 m. Be happy to see you ALL on QRP freq's.
To Nicola: thank you so much for new QRP Club forum!