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Author Topic: QRP/P From Isle of Skye IOTA EU-008  (Read 2349 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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QRP/P From Isle of Skye IOTA EU-008
« on: April 16, 2014, 21:11:45 UTC »
I'll be on Skye next week and QRV from Sunday 20th to Friday 25th. My main QRG will be 18.086 +/-, though may also try 20m and the higher bands too. I'll be right on the edge of the Atlantic so I'm hoping for good contacts across 'the pond' as well as into EU.

I've just got home after a week in the Scottish Highlands where I worked just short of 100 Qs including club member UA1CEX. Weather was lousy - it rained every day so I played a lot of radio!


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Re: QRP/P From Isle of Skye IOTA EU-008
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2014, 00:15:40 UTC »
Hello Dave,

Great, your temperature is certainly better than here.

I hope to work you there, and will be looking around 18,086 + /- tomorrow.

Have a very nice week-end and Happy Easter.

72, Michel VE2TH  QRP  didit...