I made a slightly more determined effort this year though stuck with a single band (15m)QRP 'Classic' i.e no use of Cluster for spotting.
I found it quite surprising just how well 5 Watts can do. I've not had chance to import the SD contest log into my main log yet and do a country check but I'm sure I've added a lot of EU countries to my QRP worked list. Yesterday morning and this morning I worked several JAs as well as China, Taiwan and VK. Afternoons and evenings brought a good many NA contacts.
Notable contacts for first time QRP were - KH6LC Hawaii, Four of the PJ4s on Bonaire (was on my 'needed' QRO list!) and a very big surprise when I worked HC8AO/8 on Galapagos.
Working Sweden was difficult and I didn't manage a single contact with LA
Now just have to wait about 6 months to get the final scores and results.