Hello Craig,
Yes you can add the Elecraft, the new KX2 2016/2017, and since 2012 the KX3 which is more popular, and with more features.
Also the Icom IC-703 + 0 thru 10 watts out (discontinued) but sometimes avalaible on EBAY or some flea markets.
The plus model has 6 meters along with HF, and it is the second version. It has a built-in antenna tuner exactly the same as the one in the elecraft it is a 10:1.
Here I<m using the FT-817ND and the Icom IC-703 Plus for nearly 10 years now. plus the Elecraft KX3 which belong to my XYL VE2RH, who like to pound the brass (CW)
We loved both 3 of them, and have lot of fun operating portable and at home as well.
Let us know of your choice, it is not easy, and it needs a good study and comparaisons before buying.
72 Michel VE2TH