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Author Topic: Another new antenna from LNR PRECISION  (Read 5443 times)


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Another new antenna from LNR PRECISION
« on: June 02, 2016, 21:48:17 UTC »

Yes another new ? not so new but a different version of their famous  EFHW = End Fed Half Wave wire antenna. which cover 4 bands, 40/20/15/10 meters.

EF-QUAD EndFedz Antenna


Polarity: Depends on mounting configuration
Design Z: 50 Ohms

V.S.W.R. Bandwidth 40M: 300KHz 1.5:1
V.S.W.R. Bandwidth 20M 350KHz 1.5:1
V.S.W.R. Bandwidth 15M 450KHz 1.5:1
V.S.W.R. Bandwidth 10M 500KHz 1.51

Power Handling: 200W SSB/ CW 50W A.M.

Weight: 2 lbs.
Length: 65’
Hardware: Stainless Steel
Connector: Silver/Tefon SO-239
Radiator #18 black polyethylene coated copper-clad Wireman #532

Check their web site for all the détails at:  http://www.lnrprecision.com/

When it rains, it is time to up to date our back log reading isn'it ?

All the very best,

72 Michel The QRP'er