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Author Topic: New radio for my 70th !!  (Read 4996 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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New radio for my 70th !!
« on: August 09, 2016, 19:25:46 UTC »
My XYL asked what I'd like for my 70th birthday so now have a nice shiney Icom IC-7300 as my QRO radio and I've been extremely impressed with it. It will only go down to 2 Watts so I'm still using my lovely KX3 as my main QRP/QRPP radio as it goes down to 100 mW, but the band scope on the 7300 is outstanding for searching out weak signals on quiet bands. I can also take audio recordings of QSOs (and screen shots) and its nice to be able to email an audio file to other QRPers.
I gave the 7300 a good airing while on IOTA EU-092 and worked just over 600 contacts, all on 20m with an inverted vee dipole @ 9m, mainly SSB which was the first time I'd used a microphone for over 4 years.
Next /P trip will be an outing for the KX3 to Zakynthos in September.


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Re: New radio for my 70th !!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 19:48:36 UTC »
hello Dave,
for my 70 th birthday (the 05/08) my friends and my family offers me an FDM-DUO Elad (SDR) 5 watts...
i'm happy and i qso ON4EM with it . This rig is great  :)