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Author Topic: Hello from KK4WJJ  (Read 930 times)

Offline KK4WJJ

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Hello from KK4WJJ
« on: January 15, 2014, 00:38:07 UTC »
Hello everyone.  New tech here in the US.  I am taking the general exam in March.  I am interested in small portable QRP Rigs and running a home base station for kicks.  I prefer the older Rigs to the newer stuff.  I really like the idea of the Yaesu FT-101.  I want something I can repair easily.  Thanks for having me.   

Offline G0BVZ

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Re: Hello from KK4WJJ
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2014, 10:55:50 UTC »
You're very welcome!!  I'm a new boy here myself;  it's a nice, friendly crowd here with bags of expertise.  Congrats on the Tech & good luck for the General.  :)

Years ago (almost another lifetime ago) one of my pals was hooked on the FT101ZD and he loved it but he was mostly QRO.  At this distance I can't remember if he had problems winding it back to QRP levels. For sure qrp ssb might be problematic if there is no way to set the alc externally.  I was hooked on the TS530SP and I really liked the feeling of driving a bottle rig. <<sigh....>>

Truthfully, modern solid state rigs are faster and easier to zoom around the bands but bottles have an altogether different feel. Like comparing steam and diesel locomotives....

I'm a steam man at heart...  ;D
