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Author Topic: Me, S52DK  (Read 1180 times)

Offline S52DK

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Me, S52DK
« on: January 19, 2014, 12:18:38 UTC »

I am radio amateur operator since 1987. My first call sign was YT3BAD, after I passed at that time B class license I got YT3DK. After Slovenian independence I got call sign S52DK. My first radio was FT401DX, whole line. Then I changed it with solid state TS-130S. Another radio was TS-430S which remained at my shack for one decade. Then I changed it for FT-990. Now I have FT-2000 and FT-857.  I also had a FT-817 but I sold it. My antennas are TH6DXX and dipoles for lower bands. On vacation I use FT-857, mostly QRP,  and use whip multiband antenna, sometimes End Fed antennas. I am also active on 2m SSB mostly as QRP station from slovenian mountain peaks (Alpe Adria VHF contest S59DXX). I am member of Radioclub Student Maribor, S59DXX and also Slovenian Contest Club.

That's all for now.

73 ES MNI DX DE S52DK, Robi.
73 ES MNI DX DE Robi, S52DK.