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Author Topic: Hello from IZ1HVD  (Read 1036 times)

Offline IZ1HVD

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Hello from IZ1HVD
« on: January 21, 2014, 22:01:27 UTC »
Hi to everyone, I'm Danilo IZ1HVD from Italy (Lanzo Valleys, Turin Province, Piedmont Region).
I'm a QRP & QRPp Enthusiast, devoted to Low Power Communication.

I exclusively make QSO and DX in QRP  and QRPp in fixed, portable and mobile station.
"100% QRP" - QRP, a choice of life, a way to be and to exist.

I'm a member of IQRP#745 - FPQRP#-1592
If you make a QSO with me and you are a member of IQRP Club-Italian QRP Club or FPQRP Club-Flying Pigs QRP Club, W8PIG please indicate to me your membership number, thanks.

The QSOs with me are valid for the achievement of I.Q.C.A. - IQRP Club Award. For details, please visit the IQRP Club website.

I'm also an very active SWL and BCL: Italian SWL Callsign I/2005-03/TO (ex I1-3411/TO) - SWARL: I1001SWL Certificate n.851 10/26/2008.

Just Fun !

72 73 to all, good radio activity.


72 de
IZ1HVD Danilo