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Author Topic: Propagation and Reverse Beacon Fun  (Read 5439 times)


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Propagation and Reverse Beacon Fun
« on: January 31, 2014, 19:48:30 UTC »
Hello all,

Here is the result of my weekly test, sometimes more than one a week, with Reverse Beacon Network.

Go on Reverse Beacon Network, and put my call sign in, you will see the latest entries.

Believe it or not, no answer from my CQ, and this is a big list of calling CQ today.

Check it, my 5 watts signal go thru as far as Namibia V51YJ nearly 11,000 kilometers,  and into Iceland TF3Y.
Sweden, etc..  and only with an inverted vee apex at 10 meters high.

And it is on 17 meters near the QRP Frequency, 18,095 MHz.

But I know my little peanut whistle is heard very well, at least by the skimmers.

If, when you listen, and you hear almost nothing, you think  the bands are dead or in bad conditions,

First: check SFI = Solar Flare Indice, SSN = Sunspot Numbers, K and A index, and then

the most important think, program your transceiver keyer, and let it call CQ.

Now check it out on Reverse Beacon Network while doing orther duties, such as reading.

You have to be not far away of the key if someone else call you in between your CQ message pauses.

You will be amaze to see by yourself how far your signal can heard.

Try it, you shall be convince.

72, Michel VE2TH QRP   ;D

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Re: Propagation and Reverse Beacon Fun
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 12:16:23 UTC »
See my reports on http://wsprnet.org  today. Power 1 and 5 watt, antenna dipole.
Valery, UA9OTW/QRP
QRP ARCI #15169
RU-QRP #353