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Author Topic: Cruising  (Read 8372 times)

Offline VK6MB

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« on: February 05, 2014, 12:53:04 UTC »
Well, I received an email reply today, from Royal Caribbean/Celebrity/Azamara Cruise Administration.
I have approval to bring/operate my Ham Radio on board, after I asked about taking my KX3 hand-held on the cruise.  I will be using it with an MFJ-1889T. I would probably have preferred to use the Alexloop, but seeing that I have been given the chance, I don't want to spoil it for future operators.

We fly into Amsterdam on 5th September and board the Celebrity Constellation on the 6th, and we sail for 14 days around to Istanbul via Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta and Greece.

I hope to work a lot of you on the way. On board I will be operating with a 9H prefix, as the Constellation is registered in Malta.

Only 213 days  :)) :))

73 Mike VK6MB - as he heads off to make a new menu for the Tavern

Offline IZ5ZCO

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 18:14:24 UTC »
What good news!  ;)
72 de Nicola

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2014, 18:53:00 UTC »
Well, I received an email reply today, from Royal Caribbean/Celebrity/Azamara Cruise Administration.
I have approval to bring/operate my Ham Radio on board, after I asked about taking my KX3 hand-held on the cruise.  <...snip...>
73 Mike VK6MB - as he heads off to make a new menu for the Tavern

Cool!! Great news, Mike. Goes to show merit is sometimes rewarded.  ;D



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Re: Cruising
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2014, 01:28:53 UTC »
Hello Mike,

213 days to come!!  well time goes by and don't want to missed a QSO with you when you will be aboard. So please put a note in your notebook, that the Lighthouse Keeper, Michel want to work you  ;D

Have fun everyday Mike,

72 Michel\ Back to my QSL'ing....

Offline VK6MB

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2014, 03:01:36 UTC »
I will post here if I have internet coverage, Michel.

I need to find a cheap Mobile phone service with good data quota that will cover most of the coast from Amsterdam around to Istanbul.

I am also hoping to Chase a few Eu & NA SOTA Activators if I am able to access SOTAwatch2.

72/73 Mike VK6MB - preparing Breakfast for the Tavern

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2014, 10:41:56 UTC »
I'll be QRV as SV8/GM0LVI/P and probably have line of sight of the cruise ship Mike from the studio we'll be staying in on Zakynthos.
A 2m handie might be worth packing as there's a stack of 2m repeaters in Greece on the mainland and islands.

Offline IZ5ZCO

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2014, 10:58:06 UTC »
I'll be QRV as SV8/GM0LVI/P and probably have line of sight of the cruise ship Mike from the studio we'll be staying in on Zakynthos.

To Zakynthos
Sonnet by Ugo Foscolo

Never will I touch your sacred shore again
where my young form reclined at rest,
Zakynthos, regarding yourself in waves
of the Greek sea, where Venus was

virgin born, and made those islands bloom
with her first smile; nor did he bypass
your lacy clouds and leafy fronds
in glorious verse, the one who sang

of fatal seas, and of the broad exile
after which, exalted by fame and by adventure,
Ulysses kissed his rocky native Ithaca.

You will have nothing of your son but his song,
motherland of mine: and our fate already
written, the unmourned grave.
72 de Nicola

Offline VK6MB

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2014, 13:51:16 UTC »
Hi Dave,
 I was planning on taking my Alinco DJ-G7 tri-band handheld with an AL-800 High Gain Whip.
That antenna should help overcome the distance off-shore.

73 Mike VK6MB - heading down to the Tavern for a late night snack


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Re: Cruising
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2014, 14:47:05 UTC »
I'll be QRV as SV8/GM0LVI/P and probably have line of sight of the cruise ship Mike from the studio we'll be staying in on Zakynthos.
A 2m handie might be worth packing as there's a stack of 2m repeaters in Greece on the mainland and islands.

Ok Dave, please put my name in your notebook as I want to contact you when in /SV8, it would be a very good QSO for both of us,

72 Michel

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2014, 16:54:16 UTC »

Ευχαριστώ Νικολα !  :D

I'll be QRV as SV8/GM0LVI/P and probably have line of sight of the cruise ship Mike from the studio we'll be staying in on Zakynthos.

To Zakynthos
Sonnet by Ugo Foscolo

Never will I touch your sacred shore again
where my young form reclined at rest,
Zakynthos, regarding yourself in waves
of the Greek sea, where Venus was

virgin born, and made those islands bloom
with her first smile; nor did he bypass
your lacy clouds and leafy fronds
in glorious verse, the one who sang

of fatal seas, and of the broad exile
after which, exalted by fame and by adventure,
Ulysses kissed his rocky native Ithaca.

You will have nothing of your son but his song,
motherland of mine: and our fate already
written, the unmourned grave.


Offline GM0LVI

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Re: Cruising
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2014, 18:09:41 UTC »
I'll be QRV as SV8/GM0LVI/P and probably have line of sight of the cruise ship Mike from the studio we'll be staying in on Zakynthos.
A 2m handie might be worth packing as there's a stack of 2m repeaters in Greece on the mainland and islands.

Ok Dave, please put my name in your notebook as I want to contact you when in /SV8, it would be a very good QSO for both of us,

72 Michel

I'll be on Zakynthos for 3 weeks mid June and for  couple of weeks in September Michel. We'll be on the east side of the island and my GP antenna will be about 10 metres from the sea. Great take-off in all directions except NW and W due to a big mountain 3 or 4km away!! A few years ago I set up a sked with a mate of mine W1ZOO and we did manage a contact though it was brief and difficult, but one never knows one's luck!