Well, I received an email reply today, from Royal Caribbean/Celebrity/Azamara Cruise Administration.
I have approval to bring/operate my Ham Radio on board, after I asked about taking my KX3 hand-held on the cruise. I will be using it with an MFJ-1889T. I would probably have preferred to use the Alexloop, but seeing that I have been given the chance, I don't want to spoil it for future operators.
We fly into Amsterdam on 5th September and board the Celebrity Constellation on the 6th, and we sail for 14 days around to Istanbul via Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta and Greece.
I hope to work a lot of you on the way. On board I will be operating with a 9H prefix, as the Constellation is registered in Malta.
Only 213 days

73 Mike VK6MB - as he heads off to make a new menu for the Tavern