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Author Topic: Two tube transceiver  (Read 3724 times)

Offline ve3lyx

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Two tube transceiver
« on: December 09, 2013, 02:17:43 UTC »
My homebrew transceiver using a 56 tube and a 42 tube it is a regen on receive and a transmitter on transmit. It was built as a CW unit but recently I added AM capability using an ancient and lost technology from 90+ years back called loop modulation. My farthest contact if you can call it that was a signal report and a nasty note from a Ham 367 miles away as the crow flies who heard it told me what I had sent (cw) and gave the time a freq. He copied my call from my CW and sent me an email suggesting he had heard a parasitic as he called it of my main transmitter and thought I should now it wobbled on tune up and had a slight musical tone. Said he didn't look for the main signal. Didn't realize he was already there. (I was tuned up on or about 7030 on my analog scale and he copied me on his Icom at 7033. )Since the osc tube is 83 years old and the PA tube just a step behind that I was thrilled. I am thinking when he is 83 he may have a slight warble on tune up and can only hope his voice will still be musical. My fasciation with QRP is based on early Ham radio as you can see. This rig has an output of around 2 watts on its best day. The receiver works fairly well to my estimation.

Offline W7PAU

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Re: Two tube transceiver
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 15:35:49 UTC »
  Well good for you for building...the person who had the nasty comments never saw a soldering gun in his life....I always look for the signal that has a differant tone..chances are they are one of us! ,hi hi hi.....73s w7pau....sk

Offline ve3lyx

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Re: Two tube transceiver
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2014, 18:49:54 UTC »
For sure.
Building is my daily winter hobby. Now that spring is coming. I need to log a few QSOs before my cars take over for the summer.