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Author Topic: Hi to everyone From W3TIM  (Read 916 times)

Offline w3tim

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Hi to everyone From W3TIM
« on: February 18, 2014, 13:08:38 UTC »
Been hamming for 37 years, I was a AM boatanchor guy. Then after the FCC did away with the CW requirement I thought I would give CW another try. Well the mode hit hard! I was having a blast ... then W5JAY gave me a Tuna Tin II (350 mw)  Long story short ... I worked 37 states and 7 countries in a 2 month period on 40 meters, best DX worked out to 13465 miles per watt on 40 meters. What a thrill!
I now have a couple of tube HB rigs, 6AQ5 and 6AG7 both QRO... around 5 watts. hi hi. Running a 630 foot dipole at 80 feet, fed with ladder line. it plays well on 160 , 80 , and 40 meters.
See you on the low bands