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Author Topic: KA5TJS Hello All  (Read 1192 times)

Offline KA5TJS

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KA5TJS Hello All
« on: February 20, 2014, 01:18:47 UTC »
I have been a ham for over 30 years but QRT for about 15. Back about 8 years now since we moved up here from Houston. Got into QRP because I like to build stuff. The first was an SW40 from Small Wonders Lab. A really great 40 meter rig. Then a OHR100A for 40 meters. More bells and whistles but about the same. I got an FT-817 for Christmas and really like it. I got the 500hz CW filter and it works great. I run a QRS net for the NAQCC on Monday nights and use it quite often. The main rig is an ICOM 746Pro and an 80 meter dipole at 30 feet. The MFJ 949 tuner and 4/1 balun make that work as I feed it with 300 ohm window line.
Hope to see some of you on the NAQCC sprints or the SKCC WES.
Oh, by the way, I am 95% CW between 12 and 20 wpm.
Allen KA5TJS