Hi folks!
I recently received my general license. I've been listening to the HF on my FT-817 and FT-840 and have now started enjoying my own QSOs. Most of my work is phone. I picked up a Signalink at SeaPac and tried some QPSK31 with reasonable success on the 817.
My personal best is working a station in Japan on the 817 using the G5VR antenna. I just missed 1000mi/W. (RATS!)
Normally, the 817 feeds a Buddistick (vertical) on a 12 ft tripod. Using that, I seem to get better results manually tuning the antenna with the analyzer than I get when using the LDG autotuner. It's very picky with respect to counterpoise length and positioning.
I'm ready to start learning CW. Any recommendations on study aids are welcome.
Thanks for letting me check in.