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Author Topic: Hello  (Read 1239 times)

Offline WA2TPU

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« on: July 14, 2014, 23:02:51 UTC »
Hi to all,

I'm a disabled ham who operates completely Qrp at only 5 WATTS or less using a home-brewed 12 volt PMA wind generator to power my MADE IN AMERICA FANTASTIC PERFORMING Elecraft KX-3 station..
I'm also a member of QRP ARCI - my number is #4761.This fantastic organization is for Qrp hams all over the planet and reflective of everything that is truly Qrp.
Qrp is a REAL BLAST. I totally enjoy the challenges that each contact presents to me.
So far, as of 26 March 2014---on HF I have 322 countries worked with 320 confirmed via Qrp at 5 watts or less. On the Magic Band-6meters I have 137 countries. Recently I have earned the only 10 band DXCC award ever issued by QRP ARCI.
I build ALL of my antennas with the help of my son.On HF I have used multi-element vertical arrays, extremely long vee beams , mono-band Delta loops, and Log periodics. I've also tried and used Bruce Arrays, Sterba Curtains and Rhombics with good results . I change my HF antennas frequently because I really enjoy experimenting in trying to get more gain so you folks can hear my 5 watt Qrp Green station better. Please keep checking back here to see what antennas I am building.
Antennas, antennas, antennas.....I'm quite serious about building high gain antennas THAT WORK WELL!!
Direct QSL's to my PO Box 36 if you want my card. I DO QSL 100% WHEN I RECEIVE YOUR CARD.
My best regards and many 72/73.

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 07:55:21 UTC »
Welcome to club Don.
Your 132 countries on 6 metres with 5 Watts is a really remarkable feat. Congratulations!

Offline WA2TPU

  • Able Seaman
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Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 10:55:58 UTC »
Thanks for the congrats.
I love chasing DX on all bands. I've been on 6 for the last 35 years monitoring it 24/7. My 6 meter antenna has been a 12 element Quagi on a 22 meter long boom and up in the air about 15 meters high. I built this 6 meter Quagu with 2 driven elements---one for vertical polarization and one for horizontal polarization having 2 feed-lines(coax). I've found that being able to switch between polarities during openings(example Aurora's) has often made this difference in whether or not you would make the contact being a 5 watts. I also found(at least from my Qth) during multi-hop E's switching polarities could help keep the band open for me. And I'm rambling....
Again, thanks for the congrats.
Best regards with many 72...
Don sr -- WA2TPU/qrp --