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Author Topic: Greetings de KQ8X  (Read 1036 times)

Offline KQ8X

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Greetings de KQ8X
« on: July 30, 2014, 14:30:07 UTC »
Hello Everyone,

I am returning to ham radio after a brief hiatus.  I came across this forum while doing a search for QRP related websites.  My QTH is Cherokee Village, Arkansas.  I have been a ham since the age of 15 (I'm 37 now) and am excited to get back on the air.  I'm currently in limbo as I work on a battery solution to power my FT-817.  As soon as that is all worked out, I look forward to being active on 20m CW.  I operate exclusively QRP.  Some of my goals as I get active again are to achieve WAS and QRP DXCC.  I'm also interested in home-brew QRP gear and would like to get into kit building as my schedule permits.  I look forward to getting to know you all.

John - KQ8X
John F. Michael - KQ8X       Grid: EM46fh
Yaesu FT-817                     ITU Zone: 7
LDG Electronics Z-11 AT      CQ Zone: 4
20m Dipole
100% QRP                         NAQCC #1413