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Author Topic: Tri-band GP gets an airing on west coast  (Read 2555 times)

Offline GM0LVI

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Tri-band GP gets an airing on west coast
« on: April 11, 2015, 21:54:00 UTC »
We spent six days over Easter in our motor home on a site near Arisaig on the west coast of Scotland. Views across to the Inner Hebrides were breathtaking, weather was just great though a chilly wind blew.
My new 3 band (12/17/20m) GP worked just great and it was nice to be able to change bands without having to take the pole down and change radiator and radials. I logged 47 CW QSOs, best DX was VE1BA on 20m. Worked nothing on 12m though could hear SA stations one day. Only club member was (no surprise here!!) Vitas - LY5BA.
Now in the process of planning a trip to the Isle of Barra (IOTA EU-010) late this month or early May.
Also got Summer Isles EU-092 booked for late July and working on plans for Shiant Isles EU-112 late August. Shiants are difficult to get to and it's a 20 mile trip by RIB from Stornoway.

Offline sm5mek

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Re: Tri-band GP gets an airing on west coast
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 08:59:17 UTC »
Do you have coaxtraps on all legs? I have done some GP,s like that and they works fine. ^-^
Best regards, 72 de SM5MEK, Jenny.

Offline GM0LVI

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Re: Tri-band GP gets an airing on west coast
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 09:35:43 UTC »
Do you have coaxtraps on all legs? I have done some GP,s like that and they works fine. ^-^
No traps Jenny. Each set of radials consists of 3 parallel wires - one for each band and held apart with light weight spacers. There is little or no interaction and the 12,17 and 20m bands are not harmonically related.

72, Dave

Offline sm5mek

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Re: Tri-band GP gets an airing on west coast
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2015, 12:17:19 UTC »
Do you have coaxtraps on all legs? I have done some GP,s like that and they works fine. ^-^
No traps Jenny. Each set of radials consists of 3 parallel wires - one for each band and held apart with light weight spacers. There is little or no interaction and the 12,17 and 20m bands are not harmonically related.

72, Dave

Aha, thars smart, and i guess lightweight.
Best regards, 72 de SM5MEK, Jenny.